October 07, 2007

Its getting closer and closer to the end of Year 2007. And yes, my birthday past. Did you know that on your birthday the Sun returns to the exact position in the sky as it was the day you were born? This is called a Solar Return.

When you start to realise a few things below, meaning you are really growing UP.. Not Old, But growing UP yah..... =P
  1. Most of your friends wishes only come in the next morning and not at 12am.
  2. No more surprise party.
  3. Just want to celebrate with someone special.
  4. Receiving a wedding invitation card on your birthday. ( congrats Stephie ;-) )
  5. Feel very happy because your friends remember your birthday. Just that thought is meaningful enough.

Thanks people who made my day... All your smses and presents were very thoughtful and sweet. (to whoever that forgets my birthday and still reading my blog, dare you to sms me right now! haha) I love you people... ! =))

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