June 04, 2007

Currently reading.
Got a chance to read this book when i was sick during the weekend. The only time i'll sit still and reading is the only activity i can do besides sleeping.
It really enlighten me with simple words like : "Do u remember wat is the good news?" As WE are always buzy with our daily work, daily routine, serving in church weeks after weeks, used to be youth leader then youth advisor, CF committee, took looooong 'sebatical' from youth ministry, Scripture Union etc... All these years, am looking for that good news! But the more i do, the less it meant to me. The more i put in, the more i lose.
Quoting from the book:" Or perhaps you've wihdrawn from service, You've gone the route I've described above and, frankly, yo've had it. You've stopped volunteering, stopped saying yes. No one calls anymore, No one asked anymore. You're out of the loop and glad for it. And yet the peace and quiet holds no peace and quiet. The stillness hasn't led to the closer walk with God you'd hope for.............."
Phew........... when i read this, it just struck me... how can someone put what i feel into words and just so accurately.. This book brought me back to basic, back to the very first good news i believe in. Not just serving and doing to make the "show".. Thank "U" for the book.. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
